Lern: Education Reimagined

Empowering the Next Generation of Learning with Generative AI

Experience personalized education for students and powerful tools for educators, all powered by AI.

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About Us

Learn about our work and values

Revolutionizing Education with AI Technology

We're a passionate team at the heart of a revolutionary journey in education technology. Currently, we're developing Lern, an AI-enabled learning platform designed for educators and students.

As we're in the early stages, our focus is on crafting an experience that truly resonates with the educational needs of today. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting features coming soon!


Empowering with AI

We're not just a software company. We stand at the forefront of innovation, using the power of Generative AI to revolutionize industries. Our commitment goes beyond just changing functionalities — it's about redefining possibilities.


Evolving with Every Feedback

Feedback isn't just about listening. It's about adapting and improvising. Our success is intertwined with the voices of our customers and market trends. We thrive on change, using it as a stepping stone to elevate our products.


Integrity in Every Byte

In an era where security and privacy are paramount, we understand the gravity of trust placed in us. Security is a foundational value woven into the fabric of every product we create. Our commitment is steadfast: to protect, uphold, and respect the data and privacy of our users in everything we do.


Creative Minds

We encourage out-of-the-box thinking and believe that the best solutions often lie off the beaten path. Our environment is a melting pot of ideas, where innovative solutions aren't just welcomed, they're celebrated.


Meet our leadership team

Akansh Divker Profile

Akansh Divker

Co-Founder / CEO

Prateek Verma Profile

Prateek Verma

Co-Founder / COO